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The mono printing process is the simpler of the two processes. Mono printing only involves one color of ink and there for once the block is carved it can be reprinted endlessly. 

stamp and print.jpeg

I have an idea and sketch it onto paper. My art focuses on nature and real-life experiences in an imaginative setting.


These inspirations come from my vast canoeing adventures, the family cabin and other outdoor excursions.

Then, I carve my idea onto a linoleum block. This part of the process requires reverse thinking because the image will show up backwards when I carve it on the block.


I also consider what I carve away as this will be negative space. This is sort of opposite of many other art forms, like painting, that add to create an image. Instead, I am removing to create the image I want.

Finally, once the block has been carved, it is time to print! I use a brayer to apply ink to the carved block on linoleum (stamp), and then hand press it onto paper. This is not a perfect process as it may take a few presses to get the perfect piece.


This part of the process can be frustrating, but it also makes it a more valuable art form because it has so many variables. This process is what makes my art so unique as each print is, well, unique!

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